Countries Entered...
Second Part of Trip...

  1. England
  2. Morocco
  3. Ireland
  4. Tunisia
  5. Croatia
  6. Switzerland
  7. Bosnia-Herzegovina
  8. Montenegro
  9. Serbia
  10. Greece
  11. India
  12. United Arab Emirates
  13. Hong Kong
  14. Vietnam
  15. Laos
  16. Malaysia
  17. Indonesia
  18. Singapore
  19. Australia

First Part of Trip...

  1. England*
  2. Turkey
  3. Lebanon
  4. Syria
  5. Jordan
  6. Egypt
  7. Israel
  8. Poland
  9. Czech Republic
  10. Austria*
  11. Slovenia
  12. Croatia
  13. Hungary
  14. South Africa
  15. Botswana
  16. Zambia
  17. Zimbabwe*
  18. Seychelles
  19. Germany*
  20. India
  21. Maldives
  22. Sri Lanka
  23. Nepal
  24. Russia
  25. Mongolia
  26. China
  27. Hong Kong** (it's technically part of China but it feels much more like its own country)
  28. Singapore
  29. Cambodia
  30. Thailand
  31. Myanmar*
  32. Laos*
  33. Vietnam
  34. Australia
  35. New Zealand
  36. Fiji
  37. United States*
  38. Argentina
  39. Antarctica
  40. Chile
  41. Bolivia
  42. Peru
  43. Ecuador
  44. Brazil
  45. Uruguay

* - Countries that I either entered just to go 'from here to there', countries where I spent just a
few hours or countries that I simply crossed the border.